Names of School Subjects in English 📖 with Flashcards

School subjects are the lessons that are studied in the classrooms. Each school subject has an academic content and teaching plan that is called curriculum. They change according to countries and ages of the students. Names of school subjects are good to learn for classroom communication, so you can learn this vocabulary in English with their pronunciations below.

Pronunciations and images of school subjects

Names of school subjects in English

  • reading
  • science
  • literature
  • maths
  • music
  • art
  • Physical Education (PE)
  • biology
  • writing
  • English
  • French
  • geography
  • geometry
  • history
  • chemistry
  • computer science
  • drama
  • economics
  • geology
  • gym
  • health
  • home economics
  • botany
  • archaeology
  • physics
  • psychology
  • algebra
  • social studies
  • world geography

❯❯ Classroom objects
❯❯ Classroom language
❯❯ School and education

School subjects game


picture of the school subject
picture of the school subject
picture of the school subject
picture of the school subject
picture of the school subject
picture of the school subject
picture of the school subject
picture of the school subject
picture of the school subject
picture of the school subject
picture of the school subject
picture of the school subject

Flip cards

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Examples and usage

Example sentences:

  1. I like maths.
  2. English is my favourite school subject.
  3. Emma likes Spanish lessons but I like English lessons.
  4. It is very interesting to learn new countries in geography lesson.
  5. I prefer drama lessons to art lessons.
  6. Computer science lesson starts at 9 AM.
  7. We are going to learn music notes in the music lesson.

Questions and answers:

  1. How do you study for your maths lessons?
  2. Does Gabriel like biology?
  3. When is your science lesson?
  4. Is maths lesson difficult to learn?
  5. Do you like computer science lessons?
  6. Which do you prefer? Art or music?
  7. Why were you absent in the physical education lesson?

Reading passage:
My favourite school subjects are language lessons. I like learning new languages and new cultures. English and Spanish are my favourite lessons. In fact, I am also good at maths and science, but I like studying foreign language. Maths lessons start afternoon, so I have difficulty in concentrating the lesson. We have different subjects at school such as pottery. However I think I haven’t got much skill for handcraft.

Online exercises







School subjects worksheets
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External resource links:
You can also watch a video about this topic.

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